D-6 Chicks!!!


Start | Esha | Hi | Kalyn | The other D-6 family members | Contact Me

Life with the D-6 Chicks is an experience you might not get!It sucks sometimes,it's hard, but we love it! The house is like a family. Each one of us is like a sister in a family,although when there is a guy around we become like mothers. Which is something that I forgot to mention.

You can't say it's the D-6 pad without also including the guys who at one time were a large part of the family. There was Funk (aka Brian),who came over in his time of need(mostly to hang and drink). There was Jeff and the high bunch(Matt,Jared, or whoever ended up getting high with Jeff each night).Gary who is starting to not be as persistent about being a part of the family. And for a short while in the beginning of the semester Jon, who was a memeber(although he found another family to spend most of his time with).So we must also dedicate parts of this page to them and also to Kalyn's friend Tasha,because she called so much that she was like a daily part of your lives.So without further ado, choose your path and find out what it's like in the D-6 world!